Electronic cigarettes (e cigars) have been around for over two decades now. They are considered less harmful than traditional combustible cigarettes. There is a growing trend of many adult smokers ditching their tobacco for electronic cigarettes. While vaping products are legal in Canada, there are strict regulations determining who can use them.
Electronic cigarettes are battery-powered devices that heat e-liquids to produce vapor for inhalation, mimicking the act of smoking tobacco. Most e cigars contain nicotine, an addictive substance found in tobacco, with varying amounts depending on the brand. They also contain added flavors and other chemicals. This post will discuss the advantages of using electronic cigarettes over traditional cigarettes.
Main Benefits of Using an Electronic Cigarette (E Cigar)
Smoking tobacco and using vapes both have their pros and cons. However, research is still ongoing to fully understand the medicinal benefits of electronic cigarettes and whether they are safer alternatives to regular combustible cigarettes. Here are some of the potential benefits of using electronic cigarettes:
Variety of Flavors
One key advantage of buying electronic cigarettes is that they offer an endless array of e-juice flavors. Gone are the wasteful days of smoking the awful taste of burnt tobacco. Switching to electronic cigarettes is a smart decision if you want to experiment with a wide range of e-liquid flavors, including delicious flavors like dessert and fruit. The good news is that there are several unique blends out there to amaze consumers looking to enjoy the taste of tobacco. You won’t feel deprived since there are thousands of e juice flavors and unique recipes to choose from.
Make It Easier to Quit Smoking
Evidence suggests using electronic cigarettes can help users quit smoking. The Food and Drug Administration regulates the marketing of vapes, and it has cited their role in encouraging people to stop smoking. According to Healthline, a 2019 randomized control study revealed that using e cigars daily almost doubled the rate of smoking abstinence after a year.
Limit the Risks Associated with Tobacco
Using electronic cigarettes can help limit your risks of harmful substances in tobacco. Regular cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide and over 4,000 other harmful substances, the majority of which are carcinogenic. The vapor from e cigars don’t contain these hazardous compounds as there is no combustion involved in their use. Experts believe using e cigarettes is about 95% safer than smoking tobacco, and scientific studies have backed these claims. Abandoning tobacco for e cigars also protects the health of those around you. Passive smoking accounts for several thousands of deaths annually.
The vaping trend has rapidly gained popularity across Canada, America, and the UK. While e-cigarettes are legal in many countries, they are strictly not recommended for underaged users. Buying high quality e cigars from reputable vendors, such as ePuffer, can enhance your user experience and reduce your risk of exposure to toxins. ePuffer offers a wide range of e-cigarettes, e-pipes, vape pens, and other electronic cigarettes at affordable prices. You can order these vape products to enjoy the potential benefits they provide.